How do I set up an altar to Santa Muerte?

     Alright, maybe I have convinced you that Santa Muerte isn't evil, that believing in her doesn't have to contradict with your beliefs, while also giving you a bit of background information and now you're ready to start building an altar and a relationship with her. Let's get into it.

    Firstly, I think it's important to note that you really don't need any one particular thing for a Santa Muerte altar. I think it's helpful to have some kind of imagery that will help you connect with her when you visit her altar but that doesn't necessarily have to be a 12 foot statue of her adorned with the most extravagant of offerings. A lot of this is going to depend on a few things such as your relationship to her, what's available to you as well as how much you're willing to offer. However let's talk about some of the basics of building an altar for Santa Muerte.

    As I said before, you will probably want something that relates back to her. If you have a statue or even a small pocket statue or figurine that's great but if you don't or for whatever reason can't that's ok too. Some alternatives could take the form of other imagery such as a little prayer card. Something that reminds you of her. There are some people who don't even have that so they will print an image of her or even draw an image of her and put it on their wall. This is why I said that you really don't need anything, the only thing you really need is dedication.

    Most people agree that it's good to have some kind of light and that will many times will take the form of a candle since back in the day this way one of the few ways that we could introduce light into the home. The light is said to help guide a spirit to you which is why candles are seen on altars such as on Día de los Muertos. Furthermore, the energy of the light will give energy to Santa Muerte. However some people don't have the means to keep paying for candles and lighters or matches. Consider that there are electric candles that are as small as the little votive or even tea light candles you can buy online. Here is a link to some on amazon for under $5. Also if that seems like it's not possible that's fine too, again none of these things are necessary but if you would like an alternative I have seen people give her a night light from their local walmart for under $5 as well. 

    Many also agree it's good to give her a glass of water. I also agree, not because it will cleanse the area of negativity although it can but because aside from the light and the iconography (image, statue, prayer card) this will be one of the first offerings she will take from. You don't need a lot, a full glass is more than enough. Even a shot glass or a small cup of fresh water is plenty. Both the physical and the spiritual both need consistent energy to sustain themselves. However the spiritual need much less than the physical since they don't have a physical form that they need to upkeep. Meanwhile us on the physical plant have a to maintain our form, that form need plenty of energy in the form of food and water and a little extra just to process that food and water into energy. Spirits however don't have that issue so they need much much less and can sustain themselves on a bit of water, or the smoke of incense or even the thoughts and prayers you give in their name.

    That's about it, no special tequila, no expensive statue that's seeded with a removable hand and scythe, these are the basics however as I said before not even these items specified above are essential. I think above all of these the most fundamental thing you will need, before the water, before a light, even before setting up a table or erecting a shelf so you can set up her altar, you'll need one more little thing. A bond. As I said before the altar space will depend on the relationship you have with her. The altar is a physical manifestation of your love, devotion and dedication of her, a reflection of her. Imagine an altar for her. What would it look like? I'm sure it would look something like the picture I has above. A couple of statues both large and small, maybe a candle, some flower petals and other items. However what if the dedicated space these items are on are all dusty and dirty, what if the flower petals are stating to whither and decay, and the candle is almost completely out, what impression would that give you? What kind of relationship do you think that person would have with Santa Muerte? I bet you can imagine they don't think of her often, neglect her, leaving her in a dusty crusty corner in their home.

    What good is it to have a nice, tall and impressive statue, with gold jewelry and expensive candles if you don't care enough to keep her in a clean space. What good is all of these things is you don't care about her? That's why I can't stress to you enough to you that you build your relationship and the altar will follow. All of these items on the altar are symbolic but your connection with her will be very real. So before you go out and drop a lot of money on setting up a huge altar set up, start off by just calling on her. You can say her name out loud or in your head and just talk to her as if she was right next to you. Soon you will start seeing her show up in your life and that's when you can start offering off your gratitude and by the time you know it you two will be as thick as thieves.

    Think of this like any other relationship. If you want someone to be on your side you don't start by building them the most lavish altar. Imagine if someone you're barely met started love bombing you, that would be a red flag and you would probably question their true intentions. However you also shouldn't be asking or worse demanding favors of her right off the bat. How would you feel if someone you didn't know very well started asking you for favor after favor, that would be odd too. Your relationship with Santa Muerte just like with many will start off slow so let it evolve naturally, there's no need to rush into this. Start by just being there for her and she will be there for her, start giving her offerings and soon she will start offering you blessings. Show her your dedication by create an altar for her and she will soon she will create opportunities for you to achieve your wildest dreams in return. 


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