Why do you worship death?

      Well... Why not? If you've read my first two posts (Who is Santa Muerte & Is Santa Muerte Evil?) you'll know a little bit about how Santa Muerte is an exalted personification of death and is neither good nor evil like many people she just is. Would it be better to exalt, praise, honor and revere an amorphous thing in the sky that people insiste is all good, all knowing, all powerful? I have and that was not like this.

    This is going to get a little personal but you might be able to relate to this. Growing up I didn't feel like I fit in. I always knew I was different for a number of reasons and did my best to keep it to myself. Part of it was out of fear of being completely alienated, by peers, by family member and by god himself. After wearing a mask for so long it get exhausting. 

    Being devoted to Santa Muerte is nothing like that. It's a total relief and a weight off your chest to be able to be yourself. You don't have to dress up in your Sunday best. You're not being threatened with eternal damnation. She doesn't care what you're wearing, she doesn't care if you're different. She actually has a soft spot for the outcasts.

    This is my personal answer but your answer may be different. I've met people that feared death and became devoted to Santa Muerte to help them cope and understand death and now they have a great relationship to death and to her! I've met people who were on the brink of death and contemplating ending their journey here on this plane of existence and she brought them back and gave them a path and purpose. I've met people who have met her in their dreams and have talked to her and interacted with her and it lead them to pursue a relationship with her. I've met people who are just interested in her and so they learn what they can about her, give her offering and prays while expecting nothing and build a relationship that way.

    Everyone's reason is different and personal and it goes to show you that everyone relationship with her is very personal just like everyone's personal relationship to death with a lower case D is different. Maybe you've gone through a near death experience, or maybe you've seen death, maybe you're part of a marginalized group, maybe you just don't want to be alone anymore. All of those are valid. I don't ever question beliefs or why they follow a particular religion or philosophy, I accept whatever they tell me but I'm sure that for those that are genuinely curious, this could help answer your question or give you some understanding as to why some people choose to honor, revere and venerate death incarnate.

    Would you be willing to share your answer? Why are you devoted to Santa Muerte or whoever you're devoted to? Does your belief and devotion serve you in any way? If so how does it serve you back?


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