What are the colors of Santa Muerte? Part two


    In part one [link here] we went over the seven colors or aspects of Santa Muerte (black, white, red, gold, green, blue, and purple) as well as magical color theory. You may have noticed some colors missing from that post like pink or bone color or the 7 color. Let's dive right into it.


    The brown aspect of La Santa Muerte is like the trunk of a tree, it's gives strength and stability. Brown is also associated with the earth, that's earth with the lower case e that is to say dirt, the physical world. Because of it's correspondence to physicality it works well to help manifest what you desire especially things of the earthly plane like a house, a car, food, a new computer etc. If you're looking for money then brown may not be the best choice however if you want money so that you can use it to buy a product, brown reminds us that we can skip the middleman and just manifest the item itself.
    The brown Santa Muerte is great for growth and development, like fertile earth helps grow fields so too can brown help your self development journey. Brown also corresponds with the Earth, capital e, that is to say the place between what is above and what is below. Naturally brown is great at bridging the material and the metaphysical and so it lends itself to connecting and communicating the departed, necromancy. If you're looking to grow, to develop and to fortify yourself, to bring something specific into your life, or to connect to the spirits of the dead then you can work with the energies of the brown aspect of Santa Muerte.


    Pink is an in between color of white and red. Pink is less aggressive than red and can be used in love magic where sex is not the main concern. Pink and red are both seen on Valentines day, the day of love and friendship. That being said, pink can be used for romanic and platonic relationships. Red can be used to compel and dominate someone where as pink is good for attracting and sweetening. Pink being a lighter shade of red and so too can sweetening be seen as a lighter form of domination. Two things similar in nature just varying in degree. It's the difference between coercion and persuasion. In some cases you might find it useful to influence someone into doing something of their own free will rather than obligating them to do something that they don't want to do. As they say you attract more bees with honey than vinegar. Instead of making someone see red you're putting rose colored glasses on them. Use pink to sweeten and soften your enemies as well, as they say keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer. Naturally pink is also great at reconciliation magic and healing magic, to help the heart heal and promote forgive so as to coax friend you had a falling out with or to induce a lover's return. You can also use this on yourself, similar to green you can use the power of the pink Santa Muerte to heal your own heartache, to forgive and let go so that you can trust someone and love again. 


    Orange comes from a mix of red and yellow and so carries with it some of the associations of the color red mentioned in part one [link here]. Orange and amber are colors that are associated with the power of the sun. Orange can help to revitalize, energize, and very projective making it an excellent color for road openings. Orange like red is motivating and similar to gold helps to bring success so it works exceedingly well for those that are ambitious with their job, their career and their business. This is why orange is closely associated with business, trade and commerce. It helps you strive for greatness without being too aggressive. It is also a color closely associated with artists since it is stimulating the creative faculties while motivating you to express that creativity. If you're a business person, a creative person, or both that is looking to be invigorated, inspired and galvanized then I suggest calling upon the powers of the orange robed Santa Muerte.


    Amber stones are actually not crystals they are fossilized tree resin. As mentioned above, amber and orange share many properties and is closely associated with the sun, it can enliven any situation. In ancient Greece, it was believed that amber came from the tears of the daughters of Helios, god of the sun. Amber can uplift moods and stimulate creativity but also brings clarity and illuminating, especially to things that people wish to keep hidden. Amber has a honey like color to it and is beautiful in jewelry since antiquity so is it has closer associations to gold than orange does. It was worn as a talisman to ward off illness which is why it is closely associated with healing by projecting energy, rejuvenating the body and mind. Amber brings success, luck, especially when manifesting change. Like brown it is closely associated with the Earth as well and is more grounded than orange giving you strength and balance. If you're looking for a supportive, protective, healing and grounding energy especially during time of transition then amber is a great choice.


    There is so much to discuss when it comes to the color silver. Silver like gold is a precious metal however where the sun corresponds with the sun, silver corresponds to the moon. It's a physical object of the ground linked to the sky and the night, it connects the Earth and the moon and it can connect you to all things lunar which is where many the magical properties of the color silver comes from.
    The moon takes about 28 days to revolve around the Earth, this is a lunar cycle which corresponds to a month. The moon changes phases every three days or so and passes through a zodiac sign in a few days. It's the fastest moving of all of the traditional "planets" in astrology. 
    The moon corresponds with water since it effects the tides. Water is a very receptive element since it can take the shape of any container that it is in and can take on the properties of whatever is added to it like broth. The Earth is mostly water just like we are also mostly made of water this is why it is believed that the moon has an effect on us and can effect our mood.
    The moon also is associated with divine femininity and the menstrual cycle since they are also have a similar cyclical and rhythmic nature, "it's that time of the month again." This is why silver is also associated with nature and the natural cycle of things, just like the moon waxes and wanes so do all things in nature expand and contract, grow and shrink, ebbs and flows.
    Where the sun emits and projects light, the moon receives and reflects light of the sun cutting through the darkness further adding to its receptive nature but also making it protective. This is why the color silver is the true psychic color, silver like the moon is watery, impressionable, receptive and feminine. Although purple is a great color to regain your personal power and give confidence in your abilities, silver does help to facilitate your psychic abilities. Silver is receptive and helps you to be sensitive to even the faintest of energies. If you're looking to develop your psychic abilities, increase your emotional intelligence, trying to be more flexible and adaptive, looking for protection against psychic attacks and energy vampires, or just looking to connect with your femininity, go for silver.

Bone color

The bone colored Santa Muerte is also thought of as her "natural" color and it has many overlaps with many other colors. Bone color correspond with necromancy since this is what little remains of us after we meet death. Just like the bones that we leave behind as proof of ourselves being manifested I also think of her to correspond with manifestation and physicality. In that sense she could correspond with all things of this physical and material world. It's also thought to give power and strength, just like how bones doesn't break so easily so too she can help to bring strength and fortification. Traditionally I have found that many think of her to bring peace, harmony and success so that's why at times we see these near the home or the business. So as you can see the bone colored Santa Muerte has a versatile energy about her and it may seem unrelated but I think of her very much like bone. I think of her as strong and physical, or like the harmony that comes with successfully achieving your manifestation. That feeling of relief of "phew, I did it, I made it happen." The bone colored Santa Muerte can aid in connecting to spirits, helps in manifestation, grants strength, peace while also being very grounding and even healing.

7 colors

   Originally, the 7 colors Santa Muerte was adopted from los siete poderes of Santería. Similar to white, this aspect of Santa Muerte has the power of all visible colors. This does cause a bit of confusion though because some aren't sure whether they should go with white or 7 colors. The way that I understand the 7 color or rainbow Santa Muerte is that though similar to white, the white Santa Muerte is more focused than the 7 color Santa Muerte. The way I can describe this to you in the analogy of watering your garden, the water being energy and the garden being your life as a whole. The white Santa Muerte is like a watering hose while the 7 color Santa Muerte is like a sprinkler or irrigation system. The watering hose can quickly saturate one area at a time an irrigation system can slowly saturate many areas at a time. The 7 color Santa Muerte will be a broader effect on you and bring blessings to all aspects of your life; your home life, your finances, your business or job, you health, your friends and loved ones, your luck and opportunities etc. Whether you'd like to work on one sphere of your life at a time and move onto the next area or whether you want to work on all of them at the same time is a matter of personal preference. 

    I hope this elaboration on the colors of Santa Muerte helped you understand why some people only work with the 7 colors mentioned in part one [link here] since you may have noticed a lot of overlap, however there is overlap even in the first 7 colors. This is why some people believe that the colors mentioned above are unnecessary. Personally I don't see it that why, the more focused you are on your desired outcome the better chances you have on gaining those results. But what do you think? Are some of these colors too specific or superfluous? Do you use the power of any of the colors above or just the main 7 or just black, white and red? Are there any correspondences that I missed? Are there any colors that I missed in these two blog posts? If so let me know down in the comments and tell us what they are for?


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