What are the colors of Santa Muerte?

    You may already be aware that magical folk, magic-makers, practitioners, witches, or whatever term you prefer, have used colors as a way to describe different practices throughout history. Modern examples may look like, magia verde for money magic, magia roja for love magic. This is a way to help our conscious and unconscious minds to understand different modalities of magic to better help us focus on the desired  outcome. It is well documented in Psychology the effects of color on the mind and mood. Warm colors are exciting while cool colors have a soothing effect. This is also why different colors are used to impress or manipulate the mind. In terms of magic, some people will call this color correspondences, this term may come from the idea of correspondences or sympathy. That is to say something that is like another has a correspondence or sympathetic link to another similar object. Long ago this would simply mean similar things are correlated, so if I had a doll or poppet that resembled you then what befalls the poppet will in turn befall you as well. 

    Over time the idea of sympathy grew to encompass more. The way I learned about a sympathetic link is similar to the modern concept of quantum entanglement. In quantum physics, two or more particles that interact or even come close to each other their quantum statues are linked even across large distances. Similarly a sympathetic link means a piece of something that is a part of something else is intrinsically connected to the whole. That is to say if I have a piece of your hair I can use it to effect you, what befalls this piece of you will befall the rest of you. This is likely where color correspondences come from and this is why things of the same or similar colors tend to be grouped together. This is very old magic and I know that many of you reading this have at least a rudimentary understanding of sympathy and  more specifically color correspondences with respects to Santa Muerte. However I still think it's important to spell out not only the meanings of the aspects or robes of Santisima Muerte but also where this concept even comes from in hopes that it will reassure you or even expand your knowledge of these robe colors of La Santa Muerte.


    Now that you understand that things of the same color will have the same or similar magical energies and properties let's talk about these colors when it comes to Santa Muerte. The black aspect or black robe of Santa Muerte is what most people thing of when they imagine Santa Muerte. Death has always been associated with the color black. Just like death has been demonized you may notice that black things have always been demonized as well such as black cats, black dogs, crows, flies, etc all of these are seen as symbols or omens of death. However black as well as white are very unique colors.

    Black is the absorption of all visible light. This is why the black aspect of Santa Muerte is called upon for protection magic. Black will absorb any and all energies including negative energies around you or sent your way acting like a shield. Black is associated with nighttime and darkness, this is also how the black Santa Muerte is able to protect by shrouding you in darkness making you more difficult to be targeted. Since black is able to absorb all visible light, which is just a form of electromagnetic energy, so too can it make you receptive to even the most subtle of energies which is why black can make make you more intuitive and able to connect with energies, spirits and the departed. This is another reason why black is associated with death and the dead. Black is also the colors that are associated with witchcraft, likely to help absorb energy to be channeled into magical workings. This is why the black robed Santa Muerte is also called upon for any kind of workings, regardless of whether the workings is harmless, beneficial or baneful. 

    You will notice that the color black and items for "black magic" can be used to both curse and break curses. The notion of "black magic" being evil is an outdated concept, rather it's best to think of these kind of workings as harmful or baneful magic instead. As previously discusses good an evil are subjective, however if you're talking about beneficial vs harmful this is more of a spectrum. Anti-venom is made of the same venom that harms you, weapons can be used for hostility or in self defense, a knife can stab someone in the back or to cut away their cancer. Like with many things in life, black and white magic comes from black and white thinking. It's best to replace these beliefs to avoid extremism because like with many things the middle path is usually the best path. The world is not made up of black and white, the world is made up of many different shades of gray. As my old art teacher use to say, don't be afraid of using black.


    Just like black is the absorption of all visible light, white is the reflection or projection of all visible light. White projects all colors and is able to purge negativity. Similar to black, white can be used to protect however it works like a detox rather than a shield. White is protective because it's able to expel energy and this is why it's associated with purity, cleansing, healing and banishing negative energies. White being comprised of all visible light, has the powers of all colors and can be a substitute for any other color. When in doubt white is a perfectly good choice and is often people's first choice. This is why white, along with black, tends to be a popular choice for many people's first statue.


    Similar to white, red is also a projective color. Red gives rise to passions and is motivating and aggressive, which might be why people see red when they are angry. Red can be used to help direct energy towards what you truly desire and to relentlessly pursue it. This is probably why red is also associated with war and warriors. Red is projective, fiery, and fast acting and can be used to get speedy results. You will notice red can be used for banishing as well such as in hoodoo with hot foot powders, they work quickly to push someone out and away. This is how red can be used to protect as well because like white it projects energy and pushes it back. As they say the best defense is a good offense.

    Red is commonly associated with love and lust, sex and sexuality and this may explain red light districts all over the world. This is why red is often used in love and sex magic. Red also has associations to the blood, the heart, the circulatory system and in turn basic instincts such as hunger, thirst, sex drive, survival and self preservation. This is why red is used not only to attract and impassion a lover but also to keep them subdued and chaste. This is how red can be used in domination magic. A little can be used to persuade someone, a little more and you can compel or provoke someone, more and you can overpower and subjugate someone. 

    Fair warning on domination, just because your will is stronger than someone else's this doesn't mean that their will is replaced by yours. You may even be able to repress their will but you can never supplant it. For example, if a nation is under the control of a tyrant that doesn't mean they are satisfied. This is why you will hear stories of partners being bewitched by the town brujx forcing them into relationships that resulting in terrible and unhealthy marriages full of affairs, it's because try as they might you cannot obligate someone to love you if that person does not will it to be so. This is why it's always recommended that you use love magic to attract someone with the qualities you want rather than to command someone to love you.


    Gold is the primary color for money, wealth, abundance and prosperity. Most people assume that green is the color for money magic and although green can be used for this gold is probably a better option. People tend to say that it's because not all currency outside of the US is green. I don't disagree but personally, I believe it's because before we had currency we would trade, things like gold were some of the most valuable and prized and continue to be even until this day. If you have little or no money then yes I would recommend green however if you have money and you want to grow and expand that money then go for gold. 

    As I said, gold is about wealth, and prosperity and abundance. An abundance of money means to be overflowing with money, to have a plentiful amount of money. Prosperity means to thrive, to flourish, to be successful. Wealth is not only referring to have plenty of money stored away but can also be having valuable assets such as vehicles, properties, businesses and other things that are more than just money. The gold colored Santa Muerte is best for money magic because gold corresponds to more than just money it corresponds to value. So if you're looking for money, if you value success, good luck in health or business or relationships, or if you want expensive possessions then choose gold. The gold aspect will bring to you and expand what you truly value, you can be rich in more than just money.


    Green as stated above can be used for money. If you have very little or nothing then green is a good way to go. Green is the color that corresponds to nature and survival. Just like how plant seemingly start from nothing or small seeds, spouting and shooting up from the ground to eventually turn into enormous trees so too can you grow little or no money into a stable income or into a healthy amount of savings. The green aspect of Santa Muerte can help bring things back into their natural state, bringing balance and harmony to chaos. This is why green is used in court case workings to set things right and give a fair and balanced ruling. Which is why those that know they are in the wrong don't use green in court case workings rather other colors will be used to get a favorable outcome. 

    Green also corresponds to the heart and circulatory system. This is also why it is used in some love magic to heal a broken heart as well as in healing magic to set things back to their natural state and to promote circulation into the effected area. If you're looking to grow a small amount of money or no money into a decent sum of money, if you're looking for a fair outcome from an impartial judge in your court case, healing a physical ailment or to heal heartache, you can call upon the green robed Santa Muerte for help in these matters. 


    Blue is a cool color that helps to soothe. Blue helps to pacify the mind and body by relaxing the central nervous system. It helps to slow down the reticular activating system, inhibiting the overproduction and release of cortisol the stress hormone which will start to weaken the immune system, weaken the skeletal and muscular system, cause weight gain, increase blood sugar, blood pressure, increase inflammation and so much more. This is why blue is used in hospital settings.

    Blue is a very peaceful color lending itself to meditation. This is why the evil eye or nazar is typically seen with blue, white and black. To calm your fears, to protect you and pushes back any envious stares and glares. Blue is such a soothing color that it aids in memory and retention. As we have learned memory is very unreliable and can change, by calming the mind it helps your encode and recall memories more clearly and accurately which is why it is very popular with students and in academia. If you have your a student or a professional that needs to perform well in exams, during presentations or remember information blue is a great color to help you study without getting stressed.

    Blue, like purple, is also a color of authority. Blue is a difficult color to come by in nature and was a difficult dye and pigment to make and was often very expensive to produce. This is why blues and purples were always only seen on the clothing of nobility and royalty. Blue was paint was originally made from crushing lapis lazuli, a grueling and expensive task since lapis lazuli was imported from Afghanistan through the Mediterranean sea into Italy making it as rare and expensive as gold at one point. This is where ultramarine blue paint gets its name from the latin ultramarinus which means beyond the sea. The deep blue paint was so incredibly expensive that is was only used to paint the robes of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. Blues and purples help to calm the emotional body by giving it a sense of security, stability, strength and authority. If you're looking to counter neurotic tendencies, slow down the mind to help you meditate, help you do well on exams, boost your memory, or foster a sense of strength, stability and confidence in your own power then blue is a wonderful choice.


    The purple aspect as mentioned above has a deep subconscious connection to authority and gives a sense of assuredness and authority helping you to regain your power. This is why some associate purple with intuition and psychic abilities, by helping to give them confidence in what their sixth sense is picking up. Some people think that all illnesses begin in the mind, the emotional body and the etheric body before they manifest in the physical body. Just like blue this is how it helps to heal by bringing peace and balance when something is thrown out of balance. 

    Purple being much deeper than blue it helps to sink deeper into the unconscious mind. It also corresponds to the third eye or the pineal gland which helps induce sleep by releasing melatonin, helping you dream. It's also associated with sleeping and dreaming which is important to promote healing because the body naturally repairs itself during REM sleep. This is why people with poor sleeping habits or sleep conditions like insomnia or apnea tend to live shorter lives. Along with dreaming, purple is also associated with lucid dreaming, the ability to consciously control one's dreams which anyone that has ever experience can tell you if you get too excited during your lucid dream you will wake yourself up. The pineal gland also releases DMT, a hallucinogen that naturally occurs in the mind during near death experiences and in some cases of deep meditation.

If you want to reconnect with your power, to heal their minds of traumas before they develop into full blown disease, to help you sleep and to dream, to bring yourself peace and to connect with their psychic abilities such as intuition and astral projection you can call upon the purple aspect of Santa Muerte.

    These are the seven colors or aspects of La Santa Muerte. They are though of as the main colors of Santísima Muerte because many believe these are all the colors that a devotee will ever need. Although in part two [link here] we will discuss the other aspects that were not mentioned above. However, some conservative practitioners will argue that even these colors are superfluous outside of the first three (black, white and red). They believe that with those three colors or aspects you can accomplish the same outcomes that you could with the other colors, similar to how the three primary colors can be used to create all other colors of the color wheel. That being said that does not mean there is no value in calling upon the other aspects or colors of Santa Muerte if it helps you. What do you think? Do you consider these to be the seven colors of Santa Muerte? Do you use all of these colors in your practice or just the first three? Is there anything that I missed above or that you disagree with?


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